25 June, 2010

$800,000 buys NZ village

"Why settle for a $1 million house in Sydney when you can have a whole village in New Zealand for less?

"The tiny town of Otira, in the Southern Alps of New Zealand, is on the market for $NZ1 million ($817,060).

"The village's current owners, Bill and Christine Hennah, made the purchase in 1998 after passing through the town and 'feeling sorry for it'. They paid $NZ80,000 ($65,290) for the hotel, school, railway station, town hall and 18 houses.

"The Kiwi couple, now in their 60s, are asking for $NZ350,000 ($285,520) for the hotel, or $NZ1 million for the whole lot.

"Otira has a population of 40 and is in the middle of a national park on the west coast of the South Island."
Found at ABC.net.au

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